Sunday, November 3, 2013

Another update on what's happening

Nerd Fortress Podcast Update

Listeners may be wondering "Why hasn't there been a new episode?" for more than quite a while now. Truth is that going back and re-watching Kamen Rider Wizard is going to take some additional time so I decided to hold off on it as a topic for the podcast for now.

The other main reason is that Devin and myself have been doing other things lately and have decided to talk about the previous generation of gaming consoles since the next generation of consoles are coming out in the next 2 weeks starting with the Playstation 4 on November 15th here in North America and then the X Box One on November 22nd in Europe and North America. Also, we are going to try and get this episode recorded before the holidays start here in North America which means that would be our last show of 2013!

And the 3rd reason is that I've been mostly busy playing Batman: Arkham Origins and Kamen Rider: Battride War on the PS3 which have really taken a lot of hours to get through as far as the main storyline goes for both games, but I will go into more detail about both games on the next episode.

We will definitely keep you guys posted!

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