Friday, January 30, 2015

The Nerd Fortress Podcast: Episode 11 - Interview with Anna Cherry

The Nerd Fortress Podcast: Episode 11 - Part 1

On this very overdue episode of the Nerd Fortress Podcast, Devin and myself have our very first interview with Anna Cherry about the whole disaster that is known as Gamergate. We all give our very brutally honest opinions on this controversy that has rocked the gaming industry, and give our own thoughts and opinions on Anita Sarkeesian and her crusade and much more in what hopes to be the first of many interviews on the Nerd Fortress podcast.

NOTE: Since this interview was almost 3 hours long, I decided to break this episode into 2 parts which will explain why it cuts off after we wrapped things up with Anna Cherry and our interview. There are also some other things that will be explained in my segment before the interview so please be sure and listen to it to get up to speed on what's been happening.

Link to photo that I mentioned: